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Thoughts on the word Entrepreneur?

'Entrepreneurship' is a word many people can’t even spell and yet they want to be one. The word has been somewhat hijacked to give hope for something that it shouldn’t be, and making people take for granted things they already have or are good at.

How you've started?

Never had a single traditional job.

Never hemmed and hawed about much, always dived in. The things that have given me the most fulfilment (not joyful because it's full of set backs).

People wait for the grand moment where the stars align and all the different things happen but there isn’t that time but in this day and age do you want to do something then do it.

Favourite quote Kierkergaard “Do it or don’t do it you’ll regret both”. it is up to the individual so if you really want to do something you’re going to start analysing thing and should just try it.

A lot of people go about this the wrong way instead of experimenting and just starting and trying to create something, they do the big announcement on all the social media platforms then spend time interacting with what everyone is saying 'they are a genius, they deserve the best' and they spend more time doing that than actually working and trying to create a profit. That stuff is hard there is never a perfect time to do it.

You have to start now.

Otherwise something is going to happen with your job — your pet — your fave TV show.. there are so many things can delay you from starting the most important things and the most important things are hard.

There is a quote from Steven Pressfield “The professional writes and the amateur tweets”

It's more fun to tweet about what you’re going to do than actually sitting down and doing it and making the calls.

Most people mistake the fun part of the chatting for the actual work, there are always issues and you have to be prepared for them so you have to take action and start.

There is no heavenly moment.

You should have a curiosity you want to pursue regardless of your degree or connections and what people might think if i fail.